Done Is Better Than Perfect

Mark Whitby

Are you a perfectionist? So am I.  

Perfectionism is something I’ve battled with forever. 

I believe this tendency has held me back in business.

For example, posting on LinkedIn is painful because I tend to agonize over every word.  

And creating video content is even worse! 

The truth is that perfectionism is just another word for procrastination. 

I sometimes struggle to get tasks or projects done (or even to get started) because:

  1. I worry that I don’t have time to “do my best” 
  2. I worry that people will judge the quality of my work 

My very first coach told me to focus on “progress, not perfection.”

Even though I know this intellectually, I really struggle to apply it.

To counteract my natural tendency to procrastinate, I’ve got a mantra that I repeat to myself over and over: 

“Done is better than perfect.”

So in that spirit, I give you my latest video.

About the Author

Mark Whitby

Mark Whitby is one of the world's leading coaches for the recruitment industry. Since 2001, he has trained over 10,000 recruiters in 34 countries. Mark has helped recruiters to double or triple their billings and owners to increase their team's sales by 67% in 90 days.

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